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God's Plan for My Life: A Personal Journey


God's Plan for My Life: A Personal Journey, is a multi-faceted book.  It is a  devotional that is interactive and allows you to explore vaious topics.


There are many born again believers who are unfulfilled, unsure of their purpose, or want to know their calling.  This book will enable individuals to carefully consider their dreams, gifts and talents and acertain how these are linked to God's plan for their lives.


This book will take you on a journey of discovery and you are encouraged to open up and allow God to speak to you.


It is time to explore possiblities!


This book is written specifically to help you to unravel your dream and reach your destiny. We all have dreams that are implanted by our Heavenly Father. There is a purpose and plan for your life and the only way to be able to fulfil these is to know what they are. Everyone has gifts and talents, which make him or her unique. Exploring these will allow you to tap into your strengths and work on areas for development. You will be able to harness your gifts and talents and enhance them so that the barriers you encounter or have encountered will not prevent you from excelling.


Recognising who you are, is the start of realising your true potential. For you to achieve your God-given dream you must be strategic. Becoming successful is not accidental. There is a process, which will help you to peel away layers that could inhibit or have inhibited you from achieving your success. Once you can overcome your doubts and fears you will succeed in your endeavours.


God’s Plan for My Life: A Personal Journey, is a resource that can be used in cell groups/small groups, discipleship training or individually as a devotional support. Should you decide to work on your own, you can do the activities at your own pace.


This is a tool that will build you up spiritually. Ultimately, the purpose of the programme is to set the wheels in motion to transform the lives of individuals into the image of God so that each person can fulfil their divine destiny!


Click here to read some sample pages

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