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The Virtuous Woman

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This is the first programme in the series of “The Proverbs 31 Woman” focusing on streams of income.  


We can conclude the world system is in crisis.  Being aware of how adversely this affects women whether they are lone parent, single, divorced, widowed, or have a husband out of work, requires a proactive approach to address this financial struggle many are facing.



Everyone has gifts and talents that make each individual special. Understanding that everyone is precious and unique in God’s eyes unlocks our destiny.  A change of mind-set will bring down barriers and erect the foundation necessary to aim higher. Many women in our society work in the lowest paid jobs and are often in poverty.



We strongly believe women who are struggling to make ends meet and wish to advance in their career, or in general want more out of life, will benefit from this programme. Many women sacrifice their own dreams and desires, in order to fulfil their God-given roles as wife, mother, sister, daughter etc. Equally, women need to be given the opportunity to use their talents and hobbies to increase their capacity and their earning potential.


The Proverbs 31 Woman encourages women to use their gifts and talents to better equip and empower themselves, socially, psychologically, economically and of course spiritually.


Unfortunately, a high percentage of women in our society are lone/single parents and aspire to provide economically for their families. The programme but aims to enlarge the borders of women so that they can develop their own businesses.


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WONDERFULLY M.A.D.E.  (Motivated And Dedicated to Excellence)

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Company no. 09029499
Ofsted Registration. 2808993
Ipswich International Church, Barrack Corner, Junction of Portman Rd and London Rd, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2NB

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