Exploring My Christian Identity
The God’s Plan for My Life programme is a powerful resource, which reinforces the idea that a ‘transformed mind’ is necessary in order to pursue the destiny of God.
The programme enables individuals to embrace God’s power to be effective in their Christian walk. For example, many young Christian people struggle to define themselves with confidence often as a result of peer pressure. They are constantly bombarded with media images that dictate who they are and what should be their purpose in life.
This programme reminds young people (11-16 years old) that they have the Lord with them at all times. The programme equips individuals with the necessary tools to navigate through some of the minefields of life successfully.
This unique programme encourages individuals to apply principles from the word of God. One of the fundamental principles of this program is the belief in possibilities, and that individuals can achieve their dreams. Through this programme, young people will be able to identify their God-given gifts and talents in order to fulfil their potential.